Sunday, March 30, 2008

Welcome to Habit Coffee and Culture

Here's what Colin Newell from has to say about Habit...

Shane manages Habit Coffee and Culture on Pandora avenue and sees an opportunity for virtually limitless growth in the city. Sam and Shane speak as if one person:
"Coffee is like wine. No one hesitates spending 7 to 12 dollars on a glass of good wine."
I agree. One day more and more people will be better acquainted with the similarities between fine wine and great coffee.

Habit Coffee and Culture hosts weekly coffee tasting (cupping to be precise) on Tuesday afternoons at 522 Pandora Ave. It is a somewhat more relaxed and informal version of the staid cupping that goes on in the varied brokerages and green coffee clearing houses.

Rows of porcelain cups are lined up with samples of freshly ground coffee. The coffee is splashed with hot water. Coffee is allowed to brew and then tasters are turned loose in a ritual of sniffing, slurping and spitting - a dance only truly understood by the initiated. It's fun and informative.


Niamh said...

Hey Shane!
Great blog :).

Looking forward to catching up in September and chekcing out Habit for ourselves!

Brett says howdy...

Niamh xx

shane said...

Habit coffee phone number


Coffee and TV- Blur